Saturn II
Enceladus Facts
- Enceladus is the eighth of Saturn's known satellites:
- distance from Saturn: 238,020 km
- diameter: 500 km
- mass: 8.40e19 kg
- Pronounced "en SEL a dus".
- In Greek mythology Enceladus was a Titan
who was defeated in battle and buried under Mount Etna by Athena.
- Discovered in 1789 by Herschel.
- Enceladus has the highest albedo
(>0.9) of any body in the solar system.
Its surface is dominated by fresh, clean ice.
- At least five different types of terrain have been identified on
Enceladus. In addition to craters there are smooth plains and
extensive linear cracks and ridges. At least some of the surface is
relatively young, probably
less than 100 million years.
- This means that Enceladus must have been active until very recently
(and perhaps is still active today). Perhaps some sort of "water volcanism"
is at work.
- Enceladus is much too small to still
be heated by the decay of radioactive material in its interior (the
heat would have all dissipated long ago).
- Enceladus is locked in a 1:2 resonance
with Dione
(similar to the situation between Io and
Europa). This may provide a heating mechanism
but it is probably insufficient to melt water ice. Enceladus may
therefore be composed of some low-melting point material rather than
pure water.
- Enceladus may be the source of the material in Saturn's tenuous E
ring. And since the material cannot
persist in the ring for more than a few thousand years, it may be due
to very recent activity on Enceladus. Another possibility, though, is
that the rings are maintained by high-velocity collisions between
dust particles and the various moons.
- (above) Voyager image of Saturn moon Enceladus
168k gif;
258k gif;
81k jpg
- Enceladus Global Mosaic
71k gif;
188k jpg
- Enceladus, moon of Saturn
60k gif
- Enceladus, moon of Saturn
28k gif
- Enceladus, moon of Saturn, closer image
72k gif
- Enceladus, moon of Saturn, close image
69k gif
- Enceladus, moon of Saturn, closest full view image
183k gif
- Enceladus, moon of Saturn, close and chopped off
204k gif
Enceladus low res color
42k jpg
- Flight over Enceladus
3300k AVI
More about Enceladus
Open Issues
- What is the resurfacing mechanism? where does the energy come from?
- Is there a liquid layer beneath the surface?
... Saturn
... Mimas
... Enceladus
... Tethys
Bill Arnett; last updated:
1995 July 12